Mediana A16 HeartOn Semi Automatic AED
ID2900-A, DF/536
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The newest defibrillator from Mediana, the A16 is ready to utilise and treat patients in just 10 seconds of use with Pace-Pulse detection and rejection function and super fast shock delivery.
The Mediana A16 focuses on being easy to use, with simple voice prompts and up to 3 languages. The AED also utilises POST (Power On Self Test), Periodic testings (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), Pad Quality Checks, BIST (Battery Insertion Self-Test) and more to make sure it is ready to be used in just a moments notice.
- Analysis to unit charged and ready in 10 seconds or less.
- Lightweight net weight of just 2kg.
- Super-fast shock delivery time giving your patient care as fast as possible.
- 3 languages available to be used – English, Welsh, and Polish.
- IP55 rated.
- Instant switch between adult and child mode
- Battery Capacity 3000mAh/15V (200 shocks or 6hr monitoring).
- Voice prompt, Action Icon (LED) Indicator, Status LCD.
- Status indicator showing the battery level, self-test (pass or fail), temperature, condition and pads.
- Self-test: POST (Power on Self-Test), Periodic Test (Daily, Weekly, Monthly), Pad Quality Check, BIST (Battery Insertion Self-Test)
- SD card, IR communication support.
- Optional event review computer software.
- Meets 2015 AHA / ERC guidelines.
For even more info on the Mediana A16 HeartOn Semi Automatic AED click here to read the manufacturers PDF.