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Emergency Care and First Aid For Nurses

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Author(s): Phillip Jevon
Cover: Paperback
Pages: 378
Illustrations: 94
Edition: 1st
Published: November 2006
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone

This unique new book is a portable, quick reference guide to first aid for nurses. It is the first text of its kind to be targeted directly at the practitioner and the content will be relevant for a wide range of health professionals. It provides comprehensive coverage of first aid procedures and is highly illustrated in full colour throughout. The text will enable nurses and health providers to effectively and safely provide first aid outside their clinical working environment however, content will also be useful within the hospital setting and a section at the end of each chapter will describe the appropriate treatment once the patient reaches A&E

Chapter 1 - First Aid: An Overview; Chapter 2 - Assessment of the Casualty; Chapter 3 - Basic Life Support in Adults; Chapter 4 - Automated External Defibrillation; Chapter 5 - Recognition of Respiratory Failure and Shock in Infants and Children; Chapter 6 - Basic Life Support in Infants and Children; Chapter 7 - Anaphylaxis; Chapter 8 - Respiratory Problems; Chapter 9 - Cardiac and Circulatory Problems; Chapter 10 - Neurological Problems; Chapter 11 - Diabetic Emergencies; Chapter 12 - Extremes of Body Temperature; Chapter 13 - Extremes of Body Temperature; Chapter 14 - Burns and Scalds; Chapter 15 - Musculoskeletal Injuries (Mark Gillett); Chapter 16 - Eye Injuries; Chapter 17 - Ear, Nose and Throat Problems; Chapter 18 - Poisonings, Stings and Bites; Chapter 19 - Childhood Illnesses; Chapter 20 - Dressings, Bandages and Slings; Chapter 21 - Legal Aspects of First Aid (Bridgit Dimond); References; Further Reading; Index.
