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ITLS: International Trauma Life Support

ID:9781292170848 , BO/830
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Author: John Emory Campbell, Roy L Alson
Cover: Paperback
Edition: 8th - Revised
Published By: Brady - Prentice Hall
Publication Date: September 2015

The 8th edition ITLS Provider manual and accompanying course continue ITLS’s tradition of excellence to ensure providers get the most out of the brief time they have to save patients’ lives.

  • Complete revision of when to apply spinal motion restriction (SMR), based on current science and published guidelines 
  • Discussion of hemorrhagic shock and the role of tranexamic acid (TXA) in the management of hemorrhage, updated with latest experiences and data from recent military conflicts 
  • Emphasis on capnography as the standard for positioning of the endotracheal tube as well as the best way to assess for hyperventilation or hypoventilation
  • Changes to the sequencing of the ITLS Primary Survey, ITLS Ongoing Exam, and ITLS Secondary Survey 
  • Examination of the changes in trauma care response put forth by the Hartford Consensus
