Mosby's EMT - Intermediate Textbook for the 1999 National Standard Curriculum
ID9780323086769, BO/955
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Author(s): Bruce R. Shade, EMT-P, EMS-I, AAS
Cover: Softback
Pages: 704
Edition: 3rd Revised
Publisher: Mosby/JEMS
Published: December 2011
Specifically designed to correspond with chapters in Mosby's EMT-Intermediate Textbook for the 1999 National Standard Curriculum, 3rd Edition, Revised Reprint, this helpful workbook is just what you need for in-depth study and review of essential concepts and skills covered in the book. Numerous question formats, critical thinking exercises, and case studies will build your knowledge and strengthen your understanding. Plus, it has been updated to reflect the 2010 Emergency Cardiovascular Care guidelines!
New to this Edition
- All content has been updated to reflect the 2010 Emergency Cardiovascular Care guidelines.
- New chapters on medication math, abdominal and extremity trauma, geriatrics, weapons of mass destruction, incident command, tactical emergency medical support, patients with special challenges, and cardiac A&P and ECG interpretation prepare you to respond with superior knowledge of these populations and situations.
- Provides coverage of current HIPAA regulations, updated drug information, needleless equipment, and more.
Brand | Mosby |
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