AirMed Travel-Air UK Nebuliser
IDZZ/5618, ZZ/5618
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The AirMed Travel-Air is a highly portable, compact compressor designed to efficiently deliver prescribed medication to the bronchial lung passage.
The Travel-Air's lightweight design makes the nebuliser ideal for portable use. The unit is battery powered, and is supplied complete with a universal AC adapter and rechargeable battery.
- Includes rechargeable battery and travel bag
- Can be recharged via the mains
- Simple one button operation
- Can be used worldwide
- Suitable for home and travel use
- Supplied complete with starter pack and universal AC adapter
- Additional rechargeable battery and a car adapter are available
- Includes a 2 year guarantee
- Dimensions: 106 x 66 x 128mm (without battery pack)
- Weight: 395g (without battery pack)
Starter pack contents
1 Adult facemask
1 Child facemask
1 Driveline
1 Mouthpiece
5 inlet filters
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